Thursday, October 25, 2012

Using USB thumb drive on Windows XP Guest with VirtualBox on Mac OS X Host

According to this post, to use a USB thumb drive on Windows XP guest in a VirtualBox machine on a Mac OS X host, one needs to use only one processor in the VirtualBox setting.  What a surprising setting!

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

NullPointerException When Creating New LibreOffice Database File

When I tried to create a new database file in LibreOffice (version 3.6.2 on Mac), I encountered the following error:

SQL State: S1000
Error code: -27

file input/output error

The reason was that I had added a newer version of hsqldb file in the classpath.  The one I added was hsqldb-2.2.6.  It seemed that LibreOffice expected a version of 1.8.0.

After removing those hsqldb files from the classpath, I could create a new database file again.

Saturday, September 15, 2012










「(1) 雖然學民思潮已取得初步勝利,但並不代表他們言之有理和思維正確。(2) 他們只是成功利用了社會大眾的深層恐懼心理和表面情緒反應而取得了成功,是「盲拳打死老師傅」的典型案例,值得學界反思。」




收緊按揭成數 => 更多人買細價樓?!




Thursday, July 12, 2012

Reader Page Customization in Safari

The style of the Reader page can be customized by modifying this file:


To change the font size for the .page, the "important" keyword has to be added.

More information can be found on this page.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Calibre Recipes for 每日日課 & 每日聖言

I have written two Calibre recipes for downloading daily Mass readings and breviary from the HK Catholic Diocesan Liturgy Commission webpage.  They can be useful for reading offline on a e-reader like Kindle.  To use them, copy each recipe to a text file, and then "load recipe from file" in Calibre.

They download content for 60 days starting from today.  So one may ask Calibre to download these sources every 30 or 60 days.

Writing recipes are relatively easy tasks.  The difficult task is to read them daily!


------------------------------------- recipe starts below ------------------------------------
from datetime import date, timedelta

class MeiRiShengYan(AutomaticNewsRecipe):
    title          = u'\u6bcf\u65e5\u8056\u8a00'
    oldest_article = 35
    max_articles_per_feed = 100
    auto_cleanup = True

    no_stylesheets = True
    encoding = 'big5-hkscs'

    cover_url = ''

    def parse_index(self):
        today =
        current = today
        feeds = []
        articles = []
        while (current - today < timedelta(60)):
            url = '' + current.strftime('%y%m%d') + '.htm'
            title = current.isoformat()
            articles.append({'title':title, 'url':url,
                             'description':None, 'date':current})
            current += timedelta(1)

        feeds.append((u'\u6bcf\u65e5\u8056\u8a00', articles))
        return feeds

    def populate_article_metadata(self, article, soup, first):
        title = soup.find('p', attrs={'class':['MsoNormal','MsoPlainText'], 'align':'center'})
        if title:
            article.summary = self.tag_to_string(title)
            article.text_summary = article.summary
------------------------------------- recipe ends above ------------------------------------


------------------------------------- recipe starts below ------------------------------------
from datetime import date, timedelta

class MeiRiRiKe(AutomaticNewsRecipe):
    title          = '每日日課'
    oldest_article = 35
    max_articles_per_feed = 300
    auto_cleanup = True

    feeds          = []

    no_stylesheets = True
    encoding = 'big5-hkscs'

    cover_url = ''
    map = {'LH1': '晨', 'LH2': '日', 'LH3': '晚', 'LH4': '誦', 'LH5': '夜'}
    pages = list(map.keys())
    def parse_index(self):

        today =
        current = today
        feeds = []
        articles = []
        while (current - today < timedelta(60)):
        for page in self.pages:
        url = "" % (page,  current.strftime('%Y%m%d')) 
        title = current.isoformat() +[page]
        articles.append({'title':title, 'url':url, 'description':None, 'date':current})
        current += timedelta(1)
        feeds.append(('每日日課', articles))
        return feeds

    def populate_article_metadata(self, article, soup, first):
        title = soup.find('p', attrs={'class':['MsoNormal','MsoPlainText'], 'align':'center'})
        if title:
            article.summary = self.tag_to_string(title)
            article.text_summary = article.summary
------------------------------------- recipe ends above ------------------------------------

Friday, May 25, 2012

Aquamacs + Emacs (HomeBrew) + site-lisp

The site-lisp directory for Emacs is:

So to share this site-lisp directory with Aquamacs:
sudo mkdir /Library/Application\ Support/Emacs
cd /Library/Application\ Support/Emacs
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp

I used this so that I can use the same version of ESS for Emacs (installed by HomeBrew) and Aquamacs.