Monday, November 20, 2006

FreeBSD Love

Don't know why, I have installed FreeBSD on many machines. I am a primarily GNU/Linux user. I use mainly Ubuntu GNU/Linux on my laptop. But still, I hope one day, I would find FreeBSD better and switch to it, while I haven't noticed any performance differences between them, nor I have understood the architecture/design/implementation differences between them.

One noticeable difference is, that the arguments accepted by FreeBSD commands are less flexible. For example, "ls * -l" is acceptable on GNU/Linux, but not on FreeBSD, which only allows argument before the file names such as "ls -l *". But perhaps due to this, I think FreeBSD is more Unix like. It is more traditional, and maybe more powerful. Perhaps this is due to its image - "The Power to Serve". Its advertisement may have won my heart. It is often said that Yahoo uses FreeBSD for its web servers. It shows that it is very powerful. And perhaps I have fallen in love with FreeBSD, so I have installed it on three desktop machines other than my laptop.

Same to some other products. I have started to believe that:
  1. I wanted a Core 2 Duo from Intel.
  2. Apple Mac OS X is 'younger', more energetic, and more innovative than Windows from that 'fat' old guy Bill.
Well, marketing is important!

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